30 september 2009

Marianne Williamson

Ett videoclip med Marianne Williamson om att börja dagen på rätt sätt.

1 kommentar:

  1. Blaming destiny, misfortune and foe,
    In the eye of the hurricane what does it say?
    Whirling around the lifedrama blow,
    Where does that truth of your pain lay?
    The whirling dramas sets the norm
    And the child in pain suffers and fear
    But such is the eye of the storm
    That it brings peace instead of tear
    And there unaffected descends that dove
    Bringing with it, sweet unconditional love.

    Morning hour comes with blissful calm
    Darkness giving way for the morning light
    A bird celebrating it with a merry psalm
    How beautiful day wins over darkest night
    And there in the midst of it all I sit
    Smelling all the new summer wheat
    Slowly I awaken bit by bit
    Until I realise the suns radiant heat
    Nourishes me as its tender duty
    As well to keep natures beauty

    MH 2009
